Friday, July 30, 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010

7/29/10 The Puppet Master

We recently inherited a nice zoo of puppets that the boys find fun and entertaining...especially Sean! His favorite thing to do? Well, surround himself in soft, furry friends of course!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

7/28/10 - A Sweet Surprise!

I came home from running errands today to find a box for me on the porch. "Hmmm..." I thought, "I haven't ordered anything lately. Wonder what this is?" Needless to say I was a little excited, I mean really, who doesn't still love getting packages?! So I hurried in the house to see what was inside. After hacking thru lots of tape and digging thru mounds of bubble wrap I found this...the most awesome, sweet, 'just for' gift....a wine glass...just for me. Can you see what it says? "Mommy's Sippy Cup" How awesome is that?! Thank you to my sweet, dear friend Linda. I'm so thankful to have a friend like you. Love you!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

7/27/10 Silly Will

Just another sign that Will's growing up...
he is now participating in one of the latest fads...Silly Bandz.
20 years from now he'll look back at this picture and reminisce like I do now about slap bracelets and jelly shoes.

Monday, July 26, 2010

7/26/10 - Picture me, Momma!

Luke: "Picture me, Momma!"
I take his picture.
Luke: "I see! I see!"
I show him.
Luke: "Picture me again!!!"
Me: "Are you a baby, Lukie?"
Luke: "No, I not a baby!"
Me: "Are you a big boy?"
Luke: "No, I not a big boy, Momma!"
Me: "What are you?"
Luke: "I LUKIE!!!"

7/25/10 - Some of my favorite things.

I'm doing a photo project with some of my friends....each week we pick a different topic...this weekend's was favorite things. Here are some of mine... in my Powerpuff Girls cup!
The Backyardigans...this is how I have my morning coffee in semi-peace.
My pillow and my bear...what can I say...I still love to sleep!

Trying something new!

A friend of mine is a blog-o-holic...she has multiple blogs and the ones that I have read are awesome...I always look forward to her new posts! One of her blogs is a 365 project...she posts one photo each day for a glimpse into her life. I love it! I actually love it so much I decided to copy the idea and tweak it a little. I'm going to try my hardest to take at least one picture a day (if not more) that will give my family and friends a view into our life. These pics will be our real life meaning I will not pick up toys, dust or even wipe dirt off faces before the pictures are taken! I love photography and I thought this would be a great way to document our life not only to share with my family but to have for myself. I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I do!