Thursday, November 18, 2010

Funky Crayons! 11/18/10

We have a lot of broken and mangled crayons around here. Rather than throw them away I figured I'd turn them into a funky craft for the boys. We broke the crayons into smaller pieces and placed them into a mini muffin tin. They boys loved making different color combinations. After the tins were full we slid them into the oven for a bit so they could melt. Once they cooled they popped right out as awesome color swirl crayons! They boys really enjoyed coloring with their new crayons and thought it was so cool that they created them!

Thumbprint Trees! 11/17/10

And here is what Sean did while the boys painted...he is so proud that he can go up and down the slide all by himself! Such a big boy!

Daily Routine - 11/16/10

I decided it was time to create more of a set schedule for the boys. We've really enjoyed being casual and flying by the seat of our pants. Now that Sean is older and more predictable...well, as predictable as a 1 yr old can was time to set up something a little more structured.
So far they have done great with it. They enjoy knowing what is coming up next and the love having craft every day. Spacing things out really keeps things smooth and helps prevent boredom. We are still very flexible and make time for play dates and days off with Daddy. It's just so nice when they ask what they can do I can direct them to the timeline and help them see what's on for the current time as well as what they have to look forward to. Here's hoping they continue to enjoy following our daily routine!

Owls! 11/15/10

The boys LOVE craft time! Today they recycled toilet paper tubes and made some super cute owls! They were so proud of their little flock! :)
Painting the tubes.

Sean was enjoying his lunch while the boys painted.

Proud artists!

Aren't they adorable?!

Tie-Dye Fun! 11/14/10

Will got a tie-dye kit for his are some photos of the fun we had!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Really GREAT Grandparents

Will and I had a great time visiting my grandparents this past week. I am so thankful we were able to spend time with them and we treasured every moment. I took many pictures but this one is my favorite. I love my grandparents more than they probably know...they truly are the greatest. I am so thankful that I am blessed with them and that my own boys are as well.
Love you Gramma and Grampa!!