Monday, December 20, 2010

Reindeer need a treat too!

Every year we make reindeer food for Santa's reindeer. What is reindeer food? Well, it's a mix of fresh and yummy oats all sparkly and festive for those sweet, hardworking reindeer! The smell of the oats and the sparkle of the glitter help guide Santa's reindeer to a safe landing. Every Christmas' Eve the boys take their food out and sprinkle it on the lawn.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Apples and cinnamon...

Today we made some homemade cinnamon apple ornaments! The boys loved it! I can't wait till the house is full of the yummy smell as they are baking!
Here is the link for anyone who wants to try! We added some glitter to our mix for a little sparkle. :)